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Introduction-breastmilk storage bags

If you’re pumping and storing breastmilk for your baby, you’re already doing an amazing job! You may be wondering how many breastmilk storage bags you need. The answer to that question varies depending on how much milk you plan to store and how often your baby will drink from the bottle.

If your little one is exclusively formula-fed, then storing up some extra bottles of breastmilk for emergencies may not be necessary. But if she’s taking all her meals at the breast and you want a few back-ups in case something happens, having 10-20 bags would probably work well—it’s always good to have a safety net!

How Many Breastmilk Storage Bags Do I Need?

How Many Breastmilk Storage Bags Do I Need?

That depends on how much milk you plan to store.

If you are planning on storing only a couple of ounces of breastmilk at a time, then a pack of 20 bags should be enough for your needs. However, if you are planning on freezing more than that amount, consider buying 50 or 100 packs so that they will last longer in the freezer and make it easier for future use. If your baby is older and still nursing regularly, go with the larger quantity because even if they aren’t taking all the stored-up milk now, they may want some later when they are older and no longer nursing as frequently or easily (and they can always blend it into smoothies).

Breastmilk Storage Bags Come In Various Sizes, And Some Bottles Come With More Than Others.

Breastmilk Storage Bags Come In Various Sizes, And Some Bottles Come With More Than Others.

The most common sizes are 100 mL, 60 mL, and 50 mL of Breastmilk storage bags.

Storage bags are made from plastic and can be used to store either frozen or refrigerated breast milk. The bags have an air-tight seal on them, which means that you do not have to worry about any air getting inside the bag and contaminating the milk.

The advantage of using storage bags is that they are more convenient than bottles to carry around in your purse or diaper bag. They also take up less space when storing them at home or in the freezer.

In addition to storing breast milk, you can use these bags for other things such as storing food or freezing ice cubes for the baby’s bottle or sippy cup.

It’s Best To Have A Couple Dozen On Hand If You Plan To Freeze Your Milk.

It's Best To Have A Couple Dozen On Hand If You Plan To Freeze Your Milk

Breast milk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months or frozen for up to 3 years. If you decide to freeze your milk, it’s best to have a couple dozen on hand if you plan to store the milk for more than one month.

To keep breast milk cold in the fridge, place each bag into its plastic bag (most bags come with an inner plastic liner), then place all of them into an insulated cooler bag and put them back in the freezer compartment of your refrigerator until they are needed again. Make sure that when you pull out a bag from the freezer, it is fully thawed before feeding your baby or storing it again. You should avoid keeping any breastmilk at room temperature longer than 4 hours as there is no way of knowing how long any particular container has been sitting out at room temp!

For freezing additional amounts beyond what will fit inside one cooler bag, we recommend using containers.

If You Are Going To Pump And Store Milk, You’ll Probably Want Between 10-20 Bags.

If You Are Going To Pump And Store Milk, You'll Probably Want Between 10-20 Bags.

If you plan to pump and store milk, you’ll probably want between 10-20 bags. If you’re pumping for a newborn, that means a total of five or six pumps per day. For example, if you are pumping at work for two hours twice per week and your baby is one month old (and therefore eating about 30 oz/day), then that’s about 24 oz/week. You would need 4 bags per week (or 2 bags each time).

If on the other hand, your child is older or is eating less than 30 oz/day at this point in his/her life (for example as a toddler) then fewer storage bags will be needed; it depends on how much milk your child consumes in an average day (when breastfeeding directly from the breast).

How Long Can Breastmilk Stay Good In The Refrigerator?

How Long Can Breastmilk Stay Good In The Refrigerator

Breastmilk can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 6 months. However, this is only if the milk is properly stored. The length of time that breastmilk stays good in the refrigerator depends on how well it was stored before being refrigerated.

If you are storing your breastmilk in a plastic bottle or bag, it should be kept out of direct sunlight and away from heat sources. You should also make sure that the cap is on tight and that no air gets into the container.

Breastmilk can stay good for 2 to 8 hours at room temperature (60 degrees F/16 degrees C) as long as it does not get contaminated with bacteria or mold spores. If you have any questions about whether your milk might have gotten contaminated, throw it out and start fresh!

How Long Does Frozen Breastmilk Stay Good?

How Long Does Frozen Breastmilk Stay Good

Frozen breastmilk can be stored in the freezer for up to 2 years. As long as you follow the guidelines below, your baby will receive the same benefits from your frozen breastmilk as from fresh breastmilk.

Use a freezer-grade container with a tight-fitting lid. Only use containers that are designed for freezing and storing foods and beverages. Never use plastic bags or plastic containers that have been previously used for other foods or liquids; they may not be safe because they may contain bacteria or chemicals that could contaminate your milk.

Cool the milk before freezing. To keep the temperature low enough so that ice crystals do not form in your breastmilk, you should cool it to room temperature first, then quickly transfer it to your freezer. If you cool it directly in the fridge, it will take too long for ice crystals to form and for your breastmilk to freeze completely before it spoils (this is why this method is not recommended). You can also cool your milk in a cold-water bath in an ice chest or cooler, but make sure you keep an eye on it so it doesn’t get too cold!

Having Backup Milk Stored Away Is Always A Good Idea!

Having Backup Milk Stored Away Is Always A Good Idea

If you plan to freeze your milk, it’s best to have a couple dozen on hand. Breastmilk can safely stay good in the refrigerator for up to five days. So if you’re planning on storing breastmilk for longer than that period, it’s always a good idea to keep some extra bags on hand so that your supply doesn’t run out!


Storing milk is a great way to make sure that you have enough for later. Breastmilk storage bags are the perfect solution because they are compact and easy to use. Whether you plan on pumping, freezing, or storing bottles in the fridge, these helpful tools will make your life easier.

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